BVRMC Pharmacy

Currently, no doses of the Covid-19 vaccine are available, but updates will be made to the site as information changes.


Walk-Ins Welcome

Serving the community and surrounding areas. Send your family and friends into Storm Lake's only hometown owned pharmacy.

Monday - Friday  
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.  
620 Northwestern Drive  
Located in the Specialty Clinic

Phone 712.213.8065  
Fax 712.213.8066


Jeff Jorgensen, Pharm.D.
Pharmacist/Retail Pharmacy

Jill Anderson, Pharm.D.
Pharmacist/Retail Pharmacy

Coffee with a Pharmacist


We offer timely and accurate prescription services while educating you on the importance of your medication therapy.

  • Free In-Town Delivery
  • Immunizations
  • Medication Packaging in weekly organizers to keep you on track.
  • Over the Counter Medications

