New MRI Sets a High Standard for Patient Care
BVRMC Radiologist Dr. Ingrid Franze says, “The scanner offers new features and improvements to raise the level of imaging performance and quality designed to boost productivity, enhance patient comfort and deliver diagnostic clinical confidence to users and patients alike.”
This new scanner provides a new level of patient comfort with adaptable coil designs and acceleration techniques that minimize scan times and improve image quality.
Built with patient comfort in mind, our MRI helps ease anxiety and concerns with tight spaces. A wider table and ability for patients to go feet first helps make the procedure feel less claustrophobic.
Some of the advanced features include:
96 channel wide bore configuration with 550 pound dockable table accommodates significantly larger patients.
- Dedicated breast scan table with imbedded breast coil designed to meet the needs of breast MR imaging patients of all sizes.
- Motion suppression software to successfully image patients with involuntary movement.
- Feet first scanning available for all body parts lessening anxiety for many claustrophobic patients.
- Advanced small field of view imaging capabilities provides excellent visualization of prostate, adrenals, IAC’s–areas previously considered difficult to adequately image.
- Metal artifact suppression (metal implant imaging) is an important software application resulting in optimal image quality visualizing structures adjacent to metal implants.
- Acoustical noise reduction.
“BVRMC’s new MRI sets a high standard for patient-centric care. In MRI, patient comfort is key. We now have a wide bore scanner with the ability to scan any body part going head OR feet first. Not only does this reduce patient anxiety, we are now able to accommodate larger patient body size without compromising image quality,” states Dr. Franze.