All posts by Coleen Imming

Twyla Kleen, RN 2018 March of Dimes Nurse of the Year

Coleen Imming | November 26th, 2018

Buena Vista Regional Medical Center celebrates employee and school nurse, Twyla Kleen, RN as 2018 March of Dimes Nurse of the Year. Nurses play a critical role in moving forward the…read more

BVRMC Therapy Completes Aquatic Certification

Coleen Imming | November 7th, 2018

Buena Vista Regional Medical Center’s Physical Therapist Assistant, Russ Chrischilles completed the American Physical Therapy Association’s (APTA) Certificate in Aquatic Physical Therapy Clinical Competency (APTCC).  Russ recently completed the national…read more

BVRMC Pharmacy Offers the Flu Shot

Coleen Imming | November 2nd, 2018

BVMRC Pharmacy Offers the Flu Shot BVRMC Pharmacy now offers the flu shot. Those age 6 and up can just walk-in or schedule an appointment during open hours. Call 712.213.8965…read more

Patient Fights Breast Cancer for Her Kids

Coleen Imming | October 16th, 2018

Patient Fights Breast Cancer for Her Kids Upon hearing her breast cancer diagnosis, Deb Zanfes had one focus, she says, “My kids are my life.” In November 2017, Deb was…read more

BVRMC Auxiliary Annual Meeting

Coleen Imming | September 28th, 2018

The Buena Vista Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Annual Meeting was held on September 27. BVRMC Gift Shop Buyers, Patti McKenna and Barb Argotsinger, along with Jean Bennett, Gift Shop Treasurer,…read more

Medicare Part D Open Enrollment

Coleen Imming | September 27th, 2018

  Open Enrollment is October 15 – December 7. The Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) is a FREE, confidential, objective service of the State of Iowa. SHIIP can help you…read more

Brown’s Shoe Fit Co. FIT NIGHT

Coleen Imming | July 27th, 2018

FREE Community event Thursday, August 16 starting at 5:30 p.m. at Brown’s Shoe Fit in Storm Lake. BVRMC Fitness & Health Center Specialist, Savanah Rittgers will be providing stretch band…read more

BVRMC Whitecaps Game Night

Coleen Imming | July 25th, 2018

Buena Vista Regional Medical Center hosted the Whitecaps Baseball game on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at Memorial Field. Give-a-ways were handed out to community members that attended the free game….read more

Young at Heart program featured Dr. John Armstrong, Buena Vista General Surgery

Coleen Imming | May 11th, 2018

Buena Vista Regional Medical Center’s Young at Heart May Program featured Dr. John Armstrong with Buena Vista General Surgery. He discussed how the colon worked and the importance of colonoscopies.

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