New Art Featured at BVRMC

BVRMC | January 9th, 2024


Rachael Sitzman is the local art teacher for the Storm Lake Middle School. Her passion has been art related since her teen years. It became a conduit through which she processes her experiences and emotional reactions. It doesn’t matter which medium she is using; it is the process behind the making that fills her soul.

Art has become as essential as breathing or reading to her. Rachael first went to Iowa Central Community College and earned her AA before earning her BA in Art Education from Buena Vista University. Since graduating from BVU in December 2011, Rachael has also achieved her MA in Art Education from the Art of Education University in 2022.

“The ten pieces that I choose to share are the ones I did while I was working on my masters. As a mother of three children (all under the age of six at the time) and a full-time teacher, working to complete my masters was difficult. It was also super fun and rewarding. I’m probably a weirdo though, I love everything to do with school. I had forgotten how much I liked the structure of taking courses, researching, and the feeling you get when you complete your homework. That’s probably why I went into teaching!”

For inquiries and to purchase, contact Rachael at