New Art Featured at BVRMC

BVRMC | April 27th, 2022

Heidi Sippel
Early, Iowa


My name is Heidi Sippel and I am 46 years old.
I have been working at BVRMC for two years as a cook in the Nutrition Services Department. I have three daughters and one son. I am also blessed to have a grandson and granddaughter on the way.


In my free time I enjoy painting. I picked up my first paint brush and acrylic paints 10 years ago. At that point in my life, I was in active addiction. My painting style at that time was abstract. Eight years ago I went into treatment and someone told me that I would lose my talent once I got clean. For the next six years, I couldn’t paint because I kept hearing those words. Two years ago I decided that no one would tell me I couldn’t do something. I you- tubed “how to” videos. I learned how to paint clouds, flowers, trees, lakes and mountains. I may not have been able to paint abstract anymore, but I taught myself how to paint nature; the beautiful things in life. I don’t look at a picture and then paint it, my hand and brush paint what they want. I am currently experimenting with pour painting.

To all my BVRMC friends, thank you for helping me find my courage. To my family, thanks for all the love and support.

Contact Heidi at for inquiries and pricing.
