Thank you to our 2019-2020 Life Saver donors for helping local hearts stay healthy by supporting the purchase of an echocardiology ultrasound. Your donation helps our health care team be the best place for care for future generations. Your contribution – of any size – matters.
Thank you to this year’s annual fund donors.
Ameriprise Financial Benevity Community Impact Fund BVRMC Auxiliary C & S Repair Inc. Central Bank Community State Bank Counsel Culligan Water Conditioning Eddie Insurance Fratzke & Jensen Funeral Homes Invision Architecture Iowa Hospital Association Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative Jan Worthan Agency, Inc. John Dvergsten Endowment Fund for the Life Saver Fund Drive L & S Concrete, LLC Larson Oil and Distributing Co., Inc. Murray & Murray, PLC Northwest Iowa Urologists, PC Osegaro Enterprises Ranco Fertiservice, Inc Ross Parcel Landscapes, LLC Security Trust and Savings Bank Spielman, LLC The Citizens First National Bank Foundation Thrivent Financial Thomas W Witt, Contractor, Inc Tyson Foods, Inc United Bank of Iowa UnityPoint Clinic Family Medicine- Buena Vista Julie and Brad Anderson Bob and Barb Ansorge Eileen Arnts Dawn and Randy Bach Dan and Ronda Bacon Helen Behrens Randall and Janice Bobolz Steve and Terry Brashears Cecile and Janice Breyfogle John and Roxie Brostad in memory of Bob, Jean, David Brostad and Blaine and Donaline Click Darel and Kay Burns Betty Christiansen Rob and Jill Colerick Mark and Deborah Cornish in memory of Rev. J. D. Little Ken and Jolene Davis Margaret Dickey Russ and Tracee Dierenfield Dave and Mary Drey David and Barbara Dvergsten Russell and Gladys Eddie Lynn and Louise Faust Dr. Garrett and Kelsey Feddersen Leah and Bob Fineran Craig and Nancy Fratzke in memory of Reverend Alan R. Weseman Doris Fritcher in memory of Ted Fritcher Laurie and Dan Gaffney James and Sara Gailey Mary Gill Ernest and Beverly Glienke Carol Grundmeier |
Melvin and Susan Gutz Tara and Rob Hach Chad and Amy Halder Frank and Brenda Halverson Howard and Shirley Hatlelid Danny and Sharon Hauswirth Dan and Cristy Hegarty Glen Huntington Gary and Julie Hogrefe in memory of Alma Hogrefe and Darlene Aronson Doug and Coleen Imming Char and Elwyn Jeppeson Michele and Shannon Kelly Krista and Mike Ketcham Gary and Mishelle Lalone Dr. Richard and Maxine Lampe Joann Larson in memory of Dr. Doug Larson and Wayne and Donna Flohr Alvin B. Lindquist in memory of Dr. Clyde Lindquist Byron and Barbara Loving in memory of Dorothy Anderson Schacht Mitchel and Lauri Lyman Gene and Gloria Lyster Terry and Bill Mason Jon and Patti McKenna Duane and MaryAnn Miller Patrick and Julia Mooney Richard and June Mooney Paul and Marilyn Monson Sarah and Matt Naberhaus Sonya and Brian Nash Marla and David Nees Joshua and Laura Newhouse Michael and Casey Orth-Nebitt James and Jean Osegaro Alan and Betty Parrott Terry and Trudy Pedersen Rod and Charlene Plagman Warren and Nancy Ploeger Mark and Dawn Prosser Duane and Donna Queen Mike and Suzette Radke Roger and Lynnette Radke Joan Radke Marcella Radke Joyce Sandine Larry and Carolyn Schultz Andrew and Kathleen Schwint Dr. Jason and Dr. Lisa Shepherd Robert Siefer Steven and Emily Sievers in honor of Emmett, Eliana, and Nolan Tim and Erin Smith Kari Stuckel Bill and Danis Thompson Carl Turner, PhD and Cynthia Turner Carrie and Jon Turnquist Lucille Wilkens Chris Willfong Jan and Gary Worthan Dr. Scott and Joni Wulfekuhler |