BVRMC Foundation Elects Officers for 2020

Coleen Imming | December 31st, 2019

At its monthly meeting held December 19, 2019, the Buena Vista Regional Healthcare Foundation elected Officers for 2020.  Foundation Board Chair Larry Schultz Larry Schultz, Storm Lake, Chair

Suzette Radke_Vice-Chair Foundation Board Suzette Radke, Aurelia, Vice-Chair

Foundation Secretary-TreasurerJosh Newhouse Joshua Newhouse, Storm Lake, Secretary-Treasurer.

Other Foundation Board members are Duane Miller, The Reverend Duane Queen, Terry Mason, Jan Worthan, Chad Halder, Tim Smith and Howard Hatlielid, all from Storm Lake, Emily Sievers from Albert City and Mitch Lyman from Newell. Tara Hach, Alta is the Buena Vista Regional Medical Center Trustee currently serving as the Trustee’s liaison to the Foundation Board.

Katie Schwint is the Executive Director of Community Development, assisted by Coleen Imming, Foundation Specialist.

All Foundation officers and board members are volunteers who help fulfill the health care mission of Buena Vista Regional Medical Center by securing financial support for new and expanded facilities, the latest technology and the healthcare services provided by the medical center.

“It is an honor to serve with these hard-working, dedicated individuals. Their efforts help our BVRMC team provide the best patient care. We look forward to helping continue the success of BVRMC in serving the health care needs of those in the region,” states Katie Schwint.

For more information about the Foundation, call 712.213.8601 or go to