Artist Bio- Hugh Perry, Storm Lake, Iowa
Most of my photos are taken locally. It is always fun to travel and take images of interesting and iconic foreign scenes, but I have found that my best and most satisfying shots end up being taken in or near Storm Lake.
The photos in this exhibit include shots from July 4th, the lake, the Albert City Threshermen Show, the Hanover Festival, the Linn Grove Dam, and children playing in the park.
In order to take interesting photos, you have to keep your eyes wide open to visual opportunities and, of course, have a camera with you. The evolution of cell phones has expanded the world of photography and allows nearly everyone the potential to take great photos. Ida Grove photographer Don Poggensee takes a camera with him everywhere, except in the shower.
The famous photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson defined a great photograph as “The Decisive Moment,” the photographic capture of a scene, activity or person at just the right time and under conditions which might never come again.
These photos represent my efforts to catch the right moment. Whether I succeeded or not rests in the judgment of the beholder. They could not be characterized as fine art, but rather captures of people and scenes I have witnessed in the community at certain moments in time.
Hugh’s artwork will be up through November.